Percussion & Accessories

Gary visits Jeff Chonis & Ringo at sound check and reminds Ringo of the Ludwig Expando bongos he played in the the recording studio and on the film A Hard Day's Night.
Here's a set of Ludwig tunable EXPANDO bongos (Model # 2357) with calfskin heads as seen in the movie A Hard Day's Night. Note the rototom tuning design.


Here's Ringo using his set of ASBA congas.

Ringo using a set of timpani drums during the recording of Every Little Thing.

These are a set of Tabla drums found at Abbey Road studios.

Here is the hi hat tambourine bar (aka Tamba Ching) used during the Get Back/Let It Be sessions.
Thanks to my friend, Tam Rankin, for his research providing the ad.

Here's a set of Premier bongos that Ringo purchased with his Premier kit in September 1960.

These two Ludwig tambourines were used during the recording of Hey Bulldog. Interesting to see Paul using a tea towel to help protect his hand from blistering. These tambourines are very heavy and hard to control over a period of time.