1960 Premier
Mahogany Duroplastic
Kit Number 1

1960 Premier Mahogany Duroplastic
(as listed on Premier's brochures)
4" x 14" snare - Model # 10
8" x 12" tom - Model # 442
16" x 16" floor tom - Model # 446
17" x 20" (14" shell) bass drum - Model # 130
Note: Ringo told me that calfskin heads were used on this kit.
3-ply Shells
Birch w/ Beech reinforcement rings
Hi hat - Model # 289
(2) Cymbal stands - Olympic models
Snare stand - Model # 300
Drum pedal - Model # 250
Bass drum anchor - Model # 1299
Rogers Swiv-o-matic tom mount (Installed when the drum kit was purchased.)
Premier Bongoes 6" & 8" Model 520 (Not shown)

Ringo's Premier kit has some real musical history and significance. He purchased this kit in September of 1960 from Hessy’s Music Centre in Liverpool, just prior to his early October trip to Hamburg, Germany with Rory Storm & The Hurricanes.

When this Premier Mahogany Duroplastic drum kit was purchased, Ringo had a Rogers Swiv-o-matic tom mount installed. He also used the same type mount on Ludwig kits 2, 3 & 4.

Ringo used this kit when he first joined The Beatles on August 18, 1962 and played it until May 12, 1963, when he took possession of his 1963 Ludwig drum kit.

This Premier drum kit can be heard on numerous Beatles recording prior to May 12, 1963, including BBC recordings. It was most famously used during the Beatles first marathon recording session at EMI Studios, Abbey Road on February 11, 1963.
Have a listen to Anna (Go With Him) by Arthur Alexander and The Beatles and take note of the drum pattern. Thanks to Roger Cox for pointing me in the right direction to confirm that drummer, Jerry Carrigan played on this song and was definitely an inspiration to John Lennon & Ringo Starr. You hear a similar style on two other songs written predominently by John; All I've Got To Do & In My Life.

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Though Ringo's Premier kit has been lost to history, we were lucky to find three pieces of original hardware. 1) Olympic cymbal stand that Ringo may have used with his Ajax kit. 2) Premier cymbal stand. 3) Premier snare stand. Each stand was found on a different occasion. I can't describe how emotional and exciting it was to find these piece of Beatles history.


1960 Premier Royal Ace Piccolo Snare Drum
Most people are unaware of Ringo's first Beatle snare drum, which is actually called a Premier 4"x14" Royal Ace. Remember that this is the snare heard on BIG hit songs like "Twist And Shout" and "I Saw Her Standing There."

The 1960 Premier Mahogany Duroplastic Royal Ace piccolo snare on the right in both photos belongs to Ringo. I gave it to him for his 70th birthday.

Ringo shares old memories in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada with 2010 All Starr Band mate Edgar Winter and drum tech Jeff Chonis as photographed by photographer Rob Shanahan after receiving my vintage Premier snare drum.